Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge

PS1 - 3D Printing and 3D Modelling Introduction Lesson

Below I’ve included the lesson plan for the short introduction to the 3D Printing and 3D Modelling mini unit I taught to students in my grade 6 PS1 class, along with the video that I prepared showing my printing of the 3D printed examples I gave to students to assist in learning for this lesson. While this introduction focused on the technical aspects, this mini unit satisfied objectives from the ADST, Math, and Art curriculums in BC. I’ve included this as an artifact as the engagement of students with this lesson was incredible, building great excitement for the upcoming lessons which resulted in great student engagement on the following days. I was incredibly impressed at how much students valued the 3D printed learning implements I gave them to keep (3D printed ducks), and how creative and responsible they were using those ducks to learn, as well as truly valuing them and the time I had taken to prepare those implements for them.

PS1 - Order of Operations Math Lesson with Art Integration

In the lesson included below, students work on solving order of operations problems, and I've chosen to include this lesson and sample of student work as it demonstrates the power and effectiveness to engage students in a topic they may not have the most interest in by leveraging their interest in another subject. All students were very engaged with, and completed, this project and all remained on task with the project, even those who didn’t enjoy math as much, attesting to the benefit of this project to engage them with the lesson content. The lesson also emphasizes the need to separate and show each individual step by having the students have to physically separate each step on a new paper cutout for the math mobile.

Included below is a sample of some of my students' work after this lesson, shared with permission of the students, and not including any identifying student information or faces to protect student privacy.

Student completed order of operations projects, shown with student permission.

ED4760 Final Integration Project

Click here to go to the separate page for my Final Integration Project for the ED4760 course focused on using real local data that is relevent to aid in student learning and engagement with graphing and data analysis in the secondary math classroom.

ED4767 Web-based Course Project

Click here to go to the separate page for my web-based course development assignment from ED4767 where I developed an online course to teach students about vector addition.

ED4769 Final Project

Click here to go to the separate page for my final project for the ED4769 course focused on utilizing computational thinking skills in teaching students about gravity in Physics 20.

Grade 5 Electricity Lesson

Included below is one of the lesson plans I developed during PS1. I've included this as an artifact to show my growth towards satisfying TQS 3 - "Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge" by demonstrating what I've learned about planning, teaching, and assessment in a classroom lesson. I've also included a video of me teaching said lesson in an example scenario to my peers.

Teaching Peers Using My Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan